Thursday, 22 November 2012


(Continued from THE CALCULUS OF FOLLY (1))
Third Stage: Expedite the Constitutional Amendments as they relate to the constitution of the courts. The whole justice system needs to be revamped, as in its present state, it is a bedrock of corruption. Even the CJN has acknowledged, innumerable times, that the justice system stinks to the core. One doesn't need to waste many words on this judicial malaise, it is there for all to see. Without a credible justice system, democracy has no hope in hell of surviving. It is little wonder why Obasanjo alluded to the distinct possibility of a revolution in our country. Exactly what kind of revolution he has in mind is anyone's guess.
Fourth Stage: The Civil Asset Forfeiture Bill must be speedily passed. It must not be watered down, and indeed, should be made a lot more water-tight. Any Nigerian with a suspect source of wealth should be made to explain and account for such. If no verifiable details of such wealth are produced, such wealth should be frozen. The law courts should then decide whether there are sufficient grounds for lawful confiscation. No thief should be allowed to use the loopholes in the law against our nation, and the abuse of the processes of the judicial system should be halted.

I understand your charge against this 'simplistic' set of requirements, but before you berate me, know that I do concur they are simplistic, and that's the whole point of my frustration. The steps that need taken are so patently simple that even a simpleton like Jonathan can see it. This is the kind of revolution Nigerians are clamouring.
Exactly why he sees it fit to set up panels of enquiry to review the reports of previous panels of enquiry is beyond reason. I don't care to recall how many reports, both dead and alive, are on this loathsome President's table. While I agree it is not criminal to be a witless non-person, I also contend it is calamitous to be a witless non-person that stumbled into the Presidency.
I challenge anyone to come to the defence of Jonathan's performance (sorry, non-performance) on the inaptly-named Presidential Media Chat last Sunday (the 18th of November, 2012). I hope I'm not displaying any sense of melodrama if I say I've witnessed a lot more insightful chats between two sozzled sloths. This political eunuch was questioned about the obscene amount in the 2013 budget for the provision of food, he replied "I only eat twice a day". I don't have the will to say any more on that, to be honest. It turns my stomach to call  this man my country's President.
If all indications are accurate, he's planning to contest in 2015. Of course he has a right, just like any other Nigerian to aspire to office. Let him meet us at the gate of 2015. We will see.

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