Much has been suffered, tens
of thousands have paid the ultimate price for our inhumanity, and many
thousands more, sadly, will still pay the price. The pestilence that is
Sars-CoV-2 has brought, into sharp focus, the grotesquely dysfunctional nature
of modern day human existence and co-existence. Yes, the affliction is truly global, but those
at the sharper end of this distention have borne, and are still bearing, the
brunt of this incongruity are the poorest of the poor the whole world over.
Politics and political
affiliations be damned at this point in human evolution! Politics will not save
humanity; humanity, in essence, must save itself from the nonsensicality of politics. The drawstring that is politics (be it Left, Right or Centrist)
must be set aside if humanity is to emerge healthier at the end of these
debilitating times. To beat this pandemic, endemics would need to be banished;
unity of purpose and oneness of direction are what would pull humanity out of
this dungeon of hopelessness, despair, disease and forlornness.
It is a great deal disheartening
to see the so-called leader of the free world and his conjoiners further destabilising
the already wonky world order in these perilous times. What sort of human being,
never mind a leader, would elevate political survival above the common good at
a time like this? People are dying in their thousands every single day all over
the world, and right now, most especially in America. Still Donald Trump is
beating the drums of disobedience, affray, donnybrooks and disarray (even
evoking the 2nd Amendment!) by being the cheerleader of the hellions
and cat’s-paws who are determined to
break the chain of common-sense that says staying at home is the surest way to abate
the chain of transmission. Yes, we’re all hurting by being restricted like
never before in most of our lifetimes. Yes, tens of millions of people are
going hungry (the disproportionate percentage of which are in 3rd
World countries!). Yes, the world economy is in doldrums, and millions of jobs
are imperilled. What exactly is the alternative to our short-term pain? ‘Roaring’
world economy without the brains and brawn to power it? Not a care for those extremely
poor countries whose healthcare systems are simply non-existent? The West, and
many other countries in the so-called civilized world, spend trillions of
dollars per annum on defence, yet spending a few billions in a collaborative
effort to beat this dreadful disease is too much of a stretch for them! Where,
then, is their humanity? Bust economies will recover, lost livelihoods can be
restored over time, but lost lives are gone for good. There is, ergo, a clamant
necessity for the nihilistic weltanschauung of Trump, and his army of rhapsodic,
and corybantic agitpropists, to be defenestrated. An American President
encouraging anarchy in the United States of America? I haven’t the vaguest what
the world did to deserve this! If there ever was an epiphanous moment, or aperçu, in our
evolution as a species, this is it.
Moving on, however. What is
very clear now is that the world will never be the same again after this
mayhem. What the world would look like post-CoV-19 is anybody’s guess. Would we
emerge into a more equitable and peaceful world? Would the clamour of the West
to recoup the financial losses occasioned by CoV-19 drive it to be, even more
than ever before, aggressive in its policies, in monetary, humanitarian and
ecological terms? Would inequality of means, incomes and opportunity remain a pesty
barnacle? It’s a toss-up of the coin at this point in time, but the omens are not
that great with Trump and his like-minded sidekicks like Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Hungary’s
Orban, Philippine’s Duterte, and a few others of similar ilk, in positions of
authority and influence. Not to mention Russia’s Putin, and even China’s Xi.
The world is in a bind! Is it really too much to ask these people to err on the
side of prudence, compassion, humanity, humility and sapience?
Then again, we can all huff,
puff and bombinate to our collective heart’s content, but without paying heed
to the ways and means by which we live our individual lives, the prospects for
our revival and rebirth are going south by the minute. One hopes that we’d be
kinder to nature so that nature gets to be kinder to us; the effects of climate
change are real and we must not be held captive by the cris de coeur of the
denialists. We must strive to save the planet to save our species. It doesn’t
get much starker than that. To take better care, and cognizance, of our planet is simply not
We may even be kinder to one another. What a world that would be!
Maybe, just maybe, 3rd world
countries’ leaders, like mine, in Nigeria, would finally wake up and smell the
coffee. What is the point of impoverishing your people when, no matter how much
you got stashed away in safe havens and banks all over the world, when death
comes knocking they amount to zilch?
This pandemic may yet be a turning point in the
affairs of the world, but whether it’s for better or for worse, only time will
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