Wednesday, 31 December 2014


Now in the last few hours of 2014, the majority of Nigerians can heave a sigh of relief knowing that their future is in their hands at last. Most have been especially waiting to see the back of 2014, and justifiably so. An average human being, at this time of any year, would look back on the year about to expire and either count their blessings or rue their losses. I'm comfortable in claiming that most Nigerians would be doing the latter, without a shadow of a doubt.
The year 2014 has been a continuation, and a deepening, of the miseries of the recent prior years. Individuals' stories are both unique and general. Pensioners continuing to be robbed of their entitlements; hospitals rendered useless by doctors' strikes and a most severe dearth of the most basic of medical supplies, resulting in needless and avoidable deaths of tens of thousands; educational institutions continuing to resemble animal pens, with teachers demoralized and helpless; our children's future being continually blighted and parents' hope destroyed. Lives being destroyed by unparalleled high level of corruption, terrorism, kidnappings, robberies, joblessness, hunger and an absolute lack of primary healthcare. 
Yet, billions of dollars wing it out of our shores on a daily basis with reckless abandon. Politics has assumed a wholly different meaning and taken a totally new turn. Democracy has been redefined and re-engineered by emotionally blind politicians and mentally challenged political operators. Democracy in Nigeria is not a government of the people, by the people and for the people; it is a government of the kleptomaniacs, by the kleptomaniacs and for the kleptomaniacs. NEPA, and many other state assets dished out among themselves under the guise of privatization. Nigerians continuing to pay more for less. Oil blocks remain the kleptomaniacs' new currency, and political patronage their legal tender. Sycophants call the shots while their political masters look on and take pleasure in their disregard of the welfare and well-being of the very people they profess and pretend to serve. Fools!
Anyone that cries out against the injustice being meted out on an hourly basis to Nigerians is an enemy of Jonathan; anyone that points to his blatantly obvious helplessness, unintelligibleness and the rudderless nature of his government would immediately attract the ire of his 'chop-make-I-chop' brigade and apologists. The plight of Nigerians is no concern of theirs and the future of the country is not even a remote consideration in their warped thoughts. All that matters is the perpetuation of Jonathan in office and the indeterminate elongation of the increasingly intolerable suffering of Nigerians.
You see, Jonathan can mobilize soldiers, armed policemen, faceless DSS operatives, and balaclava'd armed bandits to terrorize law-abiding citizens, yet does absolutely jack when it comes to defending Nigerians against the scourge of Boko Haram and the industrial-scale siphoning of our nation's main income earner in the Niger Delta. 
It's pointless to keep on highlighting the scale of the fraud that Jonathan is, the overwhelming majority of Nigerians have lived with it for nigh on six years now. Him and his army of thieves can post pictures of phantom 'completed' projects on the Internet, Nigerians aren't gullible. They can roll out reels of fictitious economic 'successes', Nigerians have 'shined their eyes'. The day of reckoning is only just round the corner. They can huff and puff, beat their chests and attempt to intimidate Nigerians in February 2015, but they are doomed and their house of cards has finally crumbled. 
I dare Bastard Okupe, Conman Abati and all the other matchstick sycophants to remain in Nigeria and defend their stolen loot after the elections. Let the illiterate and thuggish Asari Dokubo continue to make threats, Nigerians will not be moved in the slightest. Jonathan may be Bastard Okupe's 'Jesus', but he's an albatross around the necks of Nigerians. Jonathan may be in office for a chiliad but he'd never amount to anything. Out of his depth and out of sorts. Above all, he is now out of luck! Goodluck is out of goodwill. The die is cast.
2015 is the year that Nigerians will cross the Rubicon and begin the onerous task of rebuilding our country, our international reputation, our institutions, our trust and our unity. We will not be robbed this time, or ever again. Nigeria will no longer tolerate a dud in office, it's as simple as that. A President that is unable to hold an intelligent conversation with a kindergarten kid for five minutes isn't worthy of office. A man that has brought worldwide shame upon Nigeria shouldn't be in office for a minute longer. The worst government in Nigerian history will come to an end. The most ravenous cabal ever to roam the corridors of power in Nigeria will be destroyed.
I wish the great people of Nigeria a truly happy and prosperous 2015. May our collective wishes be fulfilled and may our collective will remain unbroken.         

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