Thursday, 18 September 2014


The past few weeks have been full of jaw-dropping incidents and events, even by the contemporary Nigerian standard. As one was beginning to think that Nigeria had reached rock-bottom, the hole suddenly went even deeper. A constellation of rabid, and downright nescient, acts and proclamations, has pushed this dear country of ours much closer to the precipice. I am fiercely patriotic, but I am very ashamed of my country at this point in time. Most of us Nigerians have been weak and self-serving, thereby giving these monsters in the corridors of power the licence to do as they damn wish. Where is our collective spirit to push for the common good? What has happened to that intellectual and moral fortitude we once exhibited as a people? Where is the good old 'Nigerian Ego'? Where's our swagger? Where's that indomitable spirit? Methinks the thread that runs through all these questions is half-baked education of the vast majority of Nigerians. We don't even know our rights, talk less our responsibilities. We're happy to trade the few rights we know we've got for a few shekels. Shame.
These political buffoons have succeeded, and are still succeeding, in turning North against South, Christians against Muslims, tribe against tribe, and here we are sleepwalking into catastrophe! One only has to venture into blogosphere to witness the extent of insult-trading among Nigerians. Crude and primitive tongue-lashing against one another, based not on creative or intellectual premises, but rather on primordial sentiments and illiterate presumptions. My blood boils.
I've never known my country this divided, even in the dark days of the civil war. I've never known my people so at odds with each other for the simple reason of 'protecting' their own. This unreasonable, and wholly unwarranted, discordance has engendered unaccountable governance and unprecedented rape of our sensibilities. The origin of charity is no longer at home; we simply are no longer charitable to one another. Charity is deceased and has no more relevance in our vocabulary. Shame.
I challenge you, the reader, to name a country in the world where this abysmal level of executive uselessness, unbridled corruption and intellectual noncognizance would be tolerated, not to mention being vigorously and constantly, and profusely defended by hardcore thieves and murderers at the very core of government. Isn't it only in my country that convicted and indicted criminals are thrust into positions of even greater influence and authority? Isn't it only in my beloved Nigeria that the government is engaged in the 'carriage' of raw cash? The last time it was $9.3m impounded in South Africa, under the guise of the purchase of arms to fight Boko Haram. Is it therefore difficult to imagine how many instances of such capital flights take place on a daily basis? We only got to know this time because they got busted in South Africa. The so-called Christian Association of Nigeria President was heavily implicated in this sordid affair. Can you imagine that? Who should be at the forefront of the fight for the welfare of the poor? I've alluded to this religious insanity loads of times in the past. On how many occasions have these prominent so-called men of God spoken out against the injustice being meted out to the hapless in our society? I am proud to say I hold none of them in any esteem whatsoever. They are a sell-out and a fraud. They ride about in limousines and own a fleet of private jets while their congregants wallow in self-pity and want. Still, my people worship them even more ardently than they worship God. Shame.
The whole preoccupation of government now is the race to remain in power post-2015. Jonathan, we know, simply is clueless and gutless. Or else, why would the Emir of Gwoza (Muhammed Timta, whose own father, Idrissa, had been killed in an ambush by Boko Haram on his way to the burial of the Emir of Gombe, another casualty of the Boko Haram monstrosity) travelled all the way to Abuja to seek Jonathan's help in ejecting the all-conquering Boko Haram from his domain, and Jonathan, in his patented fuzzy state of mind, muttered to one of his aides 'Where's Gwoza sef?' Can you imagine that? The plight of the 200-plus Chibok girls and their long-suffering families is still unresolved. How long did it take him to secure the release of his own elderly family member when he was kidnapped? Got my drift?
Isn't it only in Nigeria that a country's armed forces, while being overrun by a terrorist group, are deployed to States where elections are being conducted to terrorize law-abiding citizens as they set about performing their civic responsibilities? Under this government, like none before it, priorities are misplaced in pursuit of personal aggrandizement, and priorities slaughtered on the altar of political expediency. I would be even more scathing of Jonathan even if he were my own brother (I thank my stars he is not!). Our government is a government of the rogues by the rogues for the rogues. Their definition of the dividends of democracy is looting the country dry and carving the cake among themselves, with the crumbs deemed fit enough for the malnourished population they purport to represent. Shame.
Impunity is the order of the day, with sponsored pro-Jonathan groups flagrantly flouting electoral laws and the INEC is looking on helplessly. They even had the temerity to trivialize the #bringbackourgirls hashtag, and turned it into something so absurd I am disinclined to give it any prominence by writing it down here. Where is the funding coming from? Ministers and so-called Presidential advisers are prominent players in this absurdity.
Maybe my memory isn't what it used to be, but could anyone please be kind enough to remind me how many government officials and political appointees have been indicted and successfully prosecuted since Jonathan became President. What has happened to the numerous panels of inquiry set up since he assumed office? How I wish this thieving President's apologists do the decent thing and just see him for what he actually is: a fraud, a disgrace and a decidedly wicked and vindictive, dim-witted nonperson.
Maybe when they are awake from their greed-induced stupor (if they ever do), they would see the errors of their ways and prepare for the eventual karma heading their way. No amount of preaching can sway this band of rogues. Their collective doomsday is nigh.
A begi, wey Gwoza dey sef? 

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