Tuesday, 24 June 2014


The recent electoral malaise of the opposition party, the APC, has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that Bola Tinubu is an albatross around its neck. His stranglehold on the APC will, ultimately, destroy it if he is not stopped with immediate effect. We can despise the way the PDP, most especially under this Jonathan, has plundered us, relentlessly and remorselessly, over the past fourteen years or so, Tinubu, to a large extent, is a major contributor to its longevity. Why is he so morally blind and obdurately deaf to the yearnings of Nigerians? What does it take to make him realise that he is at the core of what is afflicting Nigerians? Does he think Nigerians are so naive and intellectually bereft of understanding of the fact that he has forever had his hands in our corporate till?
Now, think about it. The main gripe of the Ekiti State electorate was that contracts were being awarded to outsiders, especially from Lagos State, without any regard for the need for local content. For the record, this is not just in Ekiti State, similar sentiments are at play in other erstwhile ACN-run States. What about all the contracts he has awarded to himself and cohorts? What about his marauding influence in the affairs of Lagos State, which has been well-documented and has, to date, not been refuted? Isn't his wife a Senator of the Republic? Isn't a son-in-law of his in the Lagos State House of Assembly?
Why should it be that his hand-picked candidates are invariably selected to positions of influence within the APC, as it was within the ACN? Why must he have the final say in everything? This is a guy who pretends to eat, drink and breathe democracy. Who does he think he's fooling? I'm sure I'm not alone in acknowledging the fact that he is a major threat to the survival of democracy in Nigeria. Without a vibrant opposition in our polity, democracy has no fat chance of survival; and Tinubu represents a clear and present danger to the vibrancy of the opposition in this democratic dispensation.
If the APC falls apart, Tinubu would be solely responsible because of his overbearing influence and his goal of personalizing party politics in Nigeria. They say he who lives in a glass house does not throw stones; Tinubu is not even throwing stones, he's hurling cluster bombs at every given opportunity. He is no better (he's probably even worse, come to think of it) than those he purports to be at loggerheads with. He is antagonizing those that have the will and the courage to take the battle to the plunderers of our commonwealth by his obsession to being the 'main man'. Tinubu, with his attitude to party politics and democracy, has no part to play in the immediate future of our country.
The sooner the APC clips his wings, the better its electoral chances because Tinubu is a blessing to the PDP, and an enduring curse to the APC. Tinubu must be brought down to earth or else we shall all pay for it because the PDP would be wringing its hands with glee. Couldn't be much clearer.     

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