Tuesday, 11 June 2013


I have never been a practitioner of unnecessary circumspection and never will be; unnecessary circumspection has a connotation of intimidation, fear, and timidity, not unlike walking on eggs. What has been on my mind for a couple of years now has now been brought to the fore by the few comments I've had the pleasure of reading lately, not to mention the many conversations I've had the pleasure of being engaged in. The question is: Is Jonathan Ebele Goodluck really as academically qualified as he is wont to make us believe? Why is this an issue, you may ask. Before the 'why' is addressed, I don't think it's impertinent to examine the 'how'.
What was his excuse for not providing proof of his academic qualifications? If my memory serves me right (please correct me if I'm wrong), his failure to do so was because they were destroyed in a fire incident. Has his claim to those qualifications ever been corroborated by any of the institutions he claimed to have attended? Again, to my recollection, NO. Again, how many people have come forward claiming to have had him as a tutor or lecturer. I haven't heard of one. We know he completed his mandatory service year (NYSC to you and me) in Osun State, but the trail went cold from there. These are legitimate questions that a self-respecting leader has the ultimate responsibility to address. 'I don't give a damn' will not do here. That concludes the 'how' part of the question. Now, to the 'why'.
His missteps (and non-steps, for that matter) over the last couple of years or so have more than befuddled even the clearest and keenest of minds. Befuddlement of the odious sort, not of the gleeful sort, if you get my drift. How could a supposedly (or more pertinently, self-proclaimed) intelligent mind be so lost in the mire of unmitigated stupidity and unrivalled power-drunken stupor? How could an enlightened mind exhibit such a blasé attitude, time and time  again, towards the plight of his own long-suffering people? Not since the heady days of Abacha have I seen a Head Of State with his head buried so deep under the avalanche of his own stupidity, echoing the episodes of the daily question of 'are we still in government?' That's a wee part of the 'why'.
His numerous overzealous megaphones tirelessly wrap him up in cotton wool, but unbeknownst to them, the cotton wool is drenched with the blood of the innocent and the sweat of the disenfranchised. All of them have blood on their hands. What right have they to continually obfuscate the people with meaningless economic indicators and figures when such have no basis in reality? This so-called Doctor (of God knows what) has institutionalised corruption and made it a cornerstone of his economic policy. He has abandoned the people and chasing after perceived opponents to his 2015 ambition with reckless abandon. What an arrogant brat! Well, he'll soon find out (if he hasn't already) that he has only two chances of winning in 2015: No Chance and Slim Chance, and Slim Chance is out of town!
Countless number of writers and observers have written copious amounts on this particular government within two years than any before it. The overwhelming majority have been negative. Jonathan lacks the perceptive and cognitive ability of a kindergarten kid on his first day. You think that's harsh? Ask millions of graduates who have virtually no hope of getting a job; ask patients in state hospitals all over the country; ask the hundreds of thousands of bereaved families of road accident victims; ask students, pupils and their parents/guardians all over the land; ask artisans and craftspeople who have been made useless because of power failure; ask the unfortunate generation who has never known peace and prosperity. That's even only half the story. The other half of the story is domiciled by the looters and fraudsters that make up this government of loonies and losers. Living in obscene luxury while the rest of us wallow in frustration and helplessness. Looters getting a pat on the back while the rest of us get a slap in the face. These are evil people, the likes of which we have never witnessed in Nigeria.
Noone ever said Jonathan was the cause of our discomfiture, but he most certainly is the perpetrator of its staggering deterioration. He's made our problems almost intractable. Increasing GDP and much faster decreasing hope of any respite. Can't wait for 2015 and see this twerp disappear from our lives just as fast as he appeared in them. The carnage he has engineered with his cabal has to be cleared up. And fast.
We all know this dud packing his duds is no cool dude.

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