Wednesday, 27 February 2013


The rollercoaster of emotions running through the lives of Nigerians seems unabatable, and the reckless and insensitive pronouncements of various hod carriers actually serve to intensify it. It seems there's no end to the list of servile inconsequents on the payroll in Aso Rock.
It was with utter dismay, and no wee amount of sorriness, that I read a piece by one Reno Omokri, so-called Special Assistant to the President (New Media), in the Vanguard issue of 25 February 2013, extolling the government's achievements while pointedly and brazenly ignoring the ubiquitousness of corruption and corrupt practices. The only Nigerians that most certainly will not take umbrage with such drivel are certainly those, like him, that belong to the cartel of evil, to the party of destiny destroyers. He is just another ninnyhammer in Jonathan's stable of errant leeches irrepressibly spewing arrant nonsense. It may be that our GDP is rising, but where are the benefits to the generality of Nigerians? Why then is our country's debt profile getting worse by the day under this regime of impotence? What is happening to the imbecilic crooks in government and industry? Why have the various anti-corruption agencies not outgrown their milk-teeth and grown fangs?
While I do not wish to waste my time to comment on the trash he put out, it is worth pointing out this is a guy, who according to him, lived in the United States for many years. If people like him can be successfully indoctrinated into the life of debauchery, political askewness and economic savagery, then that light at the end of the tunnel is a lot further away than anyone could have conceivably envisaged. This generation of political acolytes is turning out to be even more adept at political grandstanding than the previous lot. Pity.
Thankfully, it's not all doom and gloom and folks like him, I'm most certain, will soon become endangered species. You may think this is misplaced optimism, but I'm of the firm conviction that this cycle of despair shall come to an end sooner than we may care to think, if we concertedly shorten that tunnel and forcibly bring the light closer. It is doable. There are pockets of conscientious individuals who strive to do the right things in the face of stiff opposition and personal danger to themselves, and we must recognise and encourage them. Wasn't it heartening to learn of the various disciplinary actions being taken against dodgy judges? If the judicial system can effectively police itself, then we may be on to a winner.
In fact, there are many good developments in the polity that came to be in spite of, not because of, this inept government. The evolvement of a potential counterweight to the fiendishly unwieldly PDP can only be a good thing for the ever-rising blood pressure of many a Nigerian. The days of the PDP nonchalantly running (or ruining?) the affairs of this country may be at an end. We can only hope. This is for discussion another day.  

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