Wednesday, 8 August 2012


As yet another Independence Day rapidly approaches, it is worth our effort to take a critical look at the strides made towards visible progress in our national life. Not only that. It is also worth taking stock of how far we have gone in unsnagging our nation from the umbilical cord of unfettered corruption, which has hitherto been facetiously treated. I know what you're thinking, and I bet it's along the lines of 'nothing to write home about.' It's safe then, without much ado, to come to the snappy conclusion that our lack of perspective, as a people, has cost us dearly in every single area of our national life. Anyone arguing against that must have a big question mark against their sanity. Simple as that.
However, amongst all these imbroglios, it is uplifting to acknowledge that fearless and dissenting voices abound. Whatever their individual or collective motives, they coalesce into one idealistic goal: to harness the intrinsic endowments of our great country for the betterment of its long-suffering people. In the face of  historic and contemporary miscellaneous insaneness, there's much ado about everything. No area of our national life is spared from the unrelenting assault being inflicted on our nation's resources. Our whinnings morphed into groans; our moans mutated into vociferous agitations. Alas, our vociferous agitations are birthing social, political and religious unrests across the length and breadth of our country.
The mass of dumbasses in the corridors of power are confusing social unrest with political, religious with political and social with religious. In their usual collective stupor, they dismiss the rapid descent into anarchy as unimportant in the grand scheme of things.
True heroes of our country are unacknowledged; or how would our millions of pensioners continue to wallow in undeserved and unwarranted indigence just because a mob of insufferably rapacious insolents decided to spoliate their pension funds? How would Mohammad Ali of Kano, who was resolute in his refusal to have his Honda Accord car be used in a suicide bombing operation by Boko Haram and was killed for that reason, not be recognised by the recreants in power? What benefits accrue to the families of our soldiers and law-enforcement agents who valiantly lost their lives in the discharge of their duties to protect the citizens of this country? True heroes of our country are being batted away as some sort of irritants, while rogues in positions of power and influence continue to get away with murder, given carte blanche by a perfidious President to rob our people blind. Where, then, is our sense of perspective?
Not until we substitute the louche airheads in power with conscientious eggheads, we will continue on the trajectory of despair and want. Not until we are rid of the opportunistic political scamps in our midst, we will continue our march to the inevitable state of anarchy. The path to peace, progress and unity is there for all to see, but the doofus in Aso Rock is in office but not in power; is a muppet, and a puppet whose control string is getting thinner by the minute. He is a guardian of devilish vested interests and is drowning in the flood of problems he had a hand in creating. Why did Richard Branson declare that Nigerian politicians are dream-killers? Think.
Where are the final reports of the myriad of investigations into allegations of fraud right across the economy? What has happened to indicted persons to date? Pussyfooting is the Executive's stock-in-trade; horse-trading and cover-ups constitute the Legislature's bailiwick, while unimaginably rampant venality is the premise of the Judiciary.
Innocent citizens are being shoved from pillar to post; stomachs as empty as the cooking pots that have long been stacked up due to unuse, and millions walking about aimlessly in vain pursuits of jobs. Billions of Naira finding its way into politicians' and government officials' foreign bank accounts every single day while millions starve at home. Little wonder chaos reigns and no end in sight for a respite. Think.

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