The predetermined visitation of the act of wickedness upon others without just cause is, in my book, terrorism. What emanated from Aso Rock at the turn of the year is nothing short of terrorism, aimed at mainly helpless, resourceless and jobless tens of millions of Nigerians. If this was GEJ’s way of saying Happy New Year to Nigerians, then he’s more evil than any rational being could countenance. Why has he turned himself into a hate, and haunted, figure? Why has he chosen the path of infamy? Does he really believe he’s doing the right thing at the right time? Why is he playing God? I do have a zillion questions to ask this dickhead of a President, but he took leave of his senses long before any of us realised it. He is adamant that he’ll tread the path of destruction, but in his typically warped sense of duty, he thinks he can succeed in dragging Nigeria down with him. What folly!
It would be nice to have a complete psychiatric history of this buffoon in Aso Rock; it would be a good resource for research psychiatrists indeed. It would give an insight into the kind of world he inhabits. Nigerians are craving for opportunities to enable them feed themselves and their families without any handouts from this wretched government. Tens of millions of unemployed graduates have become scroungers and that is not a source of worry to this ninnyhammer in Aso Rock. The trillions upon trillions of Naira disappearing into the ever-deepening pockets of his co-crooks do not bother him in the slightest; after all, it's one for all, all for one. This doofus in Aso Rock does not even realise he’s stoking up more resentment than has ever been witnessed in the history of governance in Nigeria. He is making Abacha look like he was the Pope! This pipsqueak in Aso Rock and his rapacious janissaries think their day of reckoning will never come; what convoluted thinking! These toerags in power think their world will never cave in on them as they continue to punish innocent Nigerians by relentlessly spoliating our endowments. They will pay; one and all. That is an absolute guarantee.
Nigerians are being treated with so much contempt that is akin to the dark days of slavery. If totally withdrawing oil subsidy (was there ever any, in the first instance?) at this point in time is not a crime against humanity, then I don’t know what is. Millions having to scrape for money to go on the hunt for non-existent jobs have been clobbered even more; struggling small businesses that totally rely on generators to keep them alive have been hit in the groin. Yet, these nincompoops in government think it is fair play to wrench away the tiny bit of hope the struggling masses are clinging on to from their grasp. The tsunami of vengeance shall be visited upon all of them, bar none. Time will tell.
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