Monday, 16 January 2012


The recent strike has revealed something quite unintended. The near-total absence of the clergy before and during the strike was as remarkable as it was revealing. Reverends, Pastors, Imams, Prophets and suchlike, were conspicuous by their no-show. I make, absolutely, no apology by surmising that they fell woefully short of expectations in our hour of need. With the notable exception of quite a few, I could not but draw the conclusion that most of the clergy are in cahoots with the political class, hence, their deafening silence when Nigerians expected them to be at their most vociferous. Silence becomes cowardice when occasion demands speaking out the whole truth and acting accordingly. Cowards can never be moral.
Were they so oblivious to the injustice in our midst? Were they so busy ‘attending’ to their flock that they barely had a second to voice their disapproval of the treachery of this government? If Moses had adopted the same attitude, the Israelites would still be in Egypt. If Dr. Martin Luther King had shown this level of nonchalance, American Blacks would still be subservient. If Bishop Desmond Tutu had failed in his Godly duty to rage against the persecution of his fellow Black South Africans, the probability that apartheid would still be with us is quite high. Where would India have been without Mahatma Ghandi? Would we have the Islamic religion now if Prophet Mohammed hadn’t stoutly stood against tyranny? Indeed, whose side was Jesus Christ on during his entire Ministry on earth? Stop preaching hope to us when you are partaking in shooting down that very hope by conniving with our oppressors. Stop preaching to us about the importance of diligent tithing when our livelihoods are under a constant threat, and our pockets are often empty. Stop preaching to us the permanence of heaven when you’re colluding with fraudsters to make our impermanence on earth a permanent hell.
Most of the clergy have lost their relevance, in every aspect of the word. As long as the Churches are full and the collection bowls are full to the brim, most of them do not care. Their business interests matter more to them than the personal interests of their flock. How many of their children go hungry, school-less, shoeless and sleepless with worry? We still take out of the very little in our pockets and put in the collection bowls, while you say your little prayers and remind us of the promise of prosperity through your lying teeth.
We know better now, and most of you have lost all relevance and respect. We will fend for ourselves as from now on, and you can stick your promises of prosperity up the proverbial.
Nigerians, I salute your courage and determination. Our destiny is in our hands as from now on. The days of fake promises are long gone. The cannibalistic cabal, and their janissaries, have been found out and our vigilance must be stronger now.
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria and its good people.

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