Tuesday, 12 July 2011


'You know what? I can't seem to get across to these guys! Their imperviousness to reason is beyond legendary. I mean, can't they see what ruin they've caused around them? Can't they see the havoc they are leaving in their wake? Can't they see how their fiendish ways and actions are causing thousands of avoidable deaths year in year out? Why are our people going hungry in a land of plenty? Where is equity in this land? Where is justice in this place? Where is fairness in this country? When do we stop the rot that has blighted the lives of generations of Nigerians? Why are we letting their collective intellectual poverty and moral incapacity continue to blacken our present and darken our future? I have actually run out of ideas and options and I'm at the end of my tether.' he said. With a big, reassuring smile on her face, she asked 'What then do you propose, my dear? Am I detecting a sense of surrender, darling?' Not one for giving up, the words of Pearl S Burke began to seep into his rather large cranium ("When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail.") Now in his element, he recalled a text from the Talmud "Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world's grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it." With renewed vigour and determination, he turned to her with a pair of misty eyes and he said "Giving up is for cowards; marching on with purpose is the only option." Holding hands, they marched on.

I hear you say 'Oh, hang on a minute bro, they're not all the same, though.' Of course, not, I couldn't agree more. It is precisely for the reason that there are a few decent politicians around that we have hope. For that hope not to fizzle out and die, there is an urgent need to keep the momentum going, and continue to dilute this toxic mix of unbearably and unimaginably rapacious crop of criminals changing their collective names by 'deed poll' to politician. It would have been comical had it not been pharisaical. For fear of being labelled a sycophant, I refrain from naming a few of those good ones that have the fear of God in them and wish to do what is right for the people of this richly-endowed nation. I, just like any well-meaning Nigerian, have a few ideas about things that need to be done; steps that need to be taken without fear or favour, but with fervour. Unfortunately, the thieves in thick, flowing robes will always scupper any attempt to spoil their party and finally put a stop to their decadence. After all, no one expects the turkey to vote for Christmas! However, no matter the strength of their resistance; no matter the potency of their threats, they will soon realise that their influence is but a bagatelle in the great scheme of things.

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